In three weeks begins an expanded version of this sports retrospective, full of winners and losers, milestones and useless stats, spectacular worldwide events and obscure championships.
Sports74 is about to go gold.
Here's a compilation to start your quest for musical accompaniment, nine timeless rock tracks that just happen to have been some of the hit records of the year on which we're focused. It's not in stores or from K-Tel, only on this unlisted playlist.
10/27/23 Coll. Football '73
11/17/23 NFL '73
12/08/23 Hockey '73-74
12/29/23 Miscellaneous
01/19/24 Pro Basket. '73-74
02/09/24 Coll. Basket. '73-74
03/01/24 American League
03/22/24 National League
04/12/24 Baseball Misc.
05/03/24 Track, Horses, Autos
05/24/24 Golf, Tennis, Boxing
06/14/24 Soccer
07/05/24 WFL and CFL
07/26/24 International
08/16/24 Coll. Football '74
09/06/24 NFL '74
09/27/24 Hockey '74-75
10/18/24 Basketball '74-75
11/08/24 Bibliography
EDIT 11:41 p.m.: Made to better fit a mobile phone screen.
EDIT 12-25-24, 6:42-3 a.m.: Introduced "music" label.
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